Organization Chart

The company is a fully owned Government Company with 100% equity held by the State Government and is controlled and administered by the Transport Department, Government of West Bengal.

There is a Board of Directors, the members are all appointed by the Government of West Bengal and they act at the guidance of the Government. The Board is the policy making body and also imparts major decisions regarding important issues relating the Corporation. The Board is composed of personnel with the right blend of Government representatives from both Transport Department and Finance department and also reputed engineers who actively contribute to many fields of engineering and whose opinions l enrich the functioning of the Corporation.

The Chairman of the Corporation presently a public figure of repute appointed by the Government of West Bengal.

The Managing Director of the Corporation is generally a reputed Civil Engineer and is taken on deputation from West Bengal Senior Service of Engineers, who has a proven track record of administration, planning, design and execution of civil engineering projects.

The Corporation has employs the civil engineers, accountants and skeleton support staff for running day to day affairs of the Corporation.

The organization structure of the Corporation is such that it is efficient and cost effective.Though the Corporation is mostly guided by the decisions of the Board which acts independently, the Corporationis also to some extent guided and controlled by Transport Department through both the Secretary and the Hon’ble Minister-in-Charge of the Transport Department.

So, for running the Company the Managing Director interacts with the following:

Get in Touch

  • West Bengal Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited, Transport Department, Paribahan Bhaban - II, E.M.Bypass & Rashbehari Connector Intersection (CSTC Kasba Depot Compound), Kolkata, Pin - 700107
  • 2422-9081
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